
The Pines Academy

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  • Educational Program


About us

About us

The Pines Academy is conveniently located on Macquarie Road between Cumberland and Henderson roads (5 minutes drive from M5 freeway)


  • Gorgeous historical heritage home converted into a childcare adds character to your child’s educational journey
  • 90 place Service caters for Long Day Care (6 weeks to 6 years old) and Out of School Hours Care (kindergarten to year 6 – before/after school and vacation care).
  • Long Day Care consists of nursery (0-2 years) with adjoining cot room and change area, large toddler room (2-3 years) with adjoining bathroom, large preschool room (3-5 years) with adjoining bathroom.
  • There are three separate playgrounds – a playground for the pre-schoolers securely located at the front of the property including large sandpit, side playground for the toddlers and a smaller yard located at the rear of the property for the nursery room which also includes a sandpit
  • The hallway is beautifully decorated with brilliant artwork adding wonder to the children’s day.
  • A team of friendly staff with extensive knowledge, training and experience in the field.
  • Educational leaders on site.
  • Although the yards are predominantly soft fall and artificial grass, the centre is newly embarking on developing sustainable living program with the children and are slowly introducing natural play spaces, made with the children’s and families input.

Educational Program: At the Pines Academy our educators develop educational programs for each room. Information is gathered from children’s interests, family input, community events, Early Years Learning Framework and bundled together to support each child’s learning and development.

Each program will be specific to individual interests and abilities of the children attending the room. There will be child-initiated, teacher initiated and spontaneous experiences daily. There will be project walls and living documents to support those projects as this allows children to constantly revisit their interests in their own time. It allows children to begin to think critically about their play and developed sustained thinking for continuity of learning.

Our programs are largely based on Early Years Learning Framework and encompass play based learning outcomes. This means our educators create small learning spaces for children to explore and engage in play with. Children of all ages use play to explore and make sense of their world. Play based learning encourages children to develop social, language, emotional, physical and creative skills which are essential for later on in life.


13-15 Macquarie Road Ingleburn NSW 2565

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Natalie Marzouk

Posted 5 months ago
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